Monday, June 7, 2010

A Response

Dear Ellen,
Thank you for the balls recipe!! You are a nut (ball). Um, just a quicky tangential cooking question. Why would anyone actually mince garlic when you can buy jarred minced garlic? Is that a foodie purist thing? 'Cause you know, I'm lazy. Just wondering. I'm glad you know so much about food. I find it comforting.
You are cracking me up with your massive decorating pendulum swings. I want a neutral house! I want to be the pop of color (are you thinking of posing for a magazine cover?) in my house, but I want everything to be neutral! And yet you totally fell for the most non-neutral room of the pack. SUCKER! I did not have the "balls" to assume that that would be your fave, though I knew you would fall for it! I was thinking the bedroom would be your fave because it has the most neutral backdrop, which, turns out, you don't like.
I hope our readers are learning from our learning. Pendulum swings are normal. It takes a while to figure out what you really like. Like, Really Like! We sometimes think we know what we like and then we surprise ourselves.
So, Ellen. I am giving you an assignment. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to make your own inspiration wall! How about taping it all up right over that bookshelf of yours. It will temporarily solve that problem while helping you solve much bigger ones. What do you think?
Also, you must not plan around that couch. I don't want to hear any more about that thing. Into the man-cave it goes, just as soon as you can scrape together some money for a Craigslist couch, or an Ikea one, or....

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