Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Baby Shower

Dear Hannah,

I still remember your baby shower with such fondness. Bowls of chili, copious amounts of lager (which I could drink!), good friends, and GAMES! Of course, Matthew and I dominated! My favorite was identifying the candy bars melted in the tiny diapers - yep that's right - guess the poop was my favorite. Mostly I remember you and Ben being so content with life - the life you had at that exact moment and with the little life growing inside you. I'm trying to channel that feeling right now. Can you believe that was more than four years ago?

 Well, my sisters were able to capture the same feel as your shower and put their own twist on it. The evening was beautiful. From the baby themed play list to the pictures all over the place of Matthew and me when we were babies, to the delicious food and cocktails to the company - it all made us feel so content with life.Thank you Allison and Erica!

Wish you could have been there!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Making a List

from Oh Joy!

Dear Schmellen,

I am sorry I haven't called you. I could tell you all my excuses but I won't.

In case you haven't gotten absolutely everything for baby yet,


are the lists I wish someone had given me back when I was incubating.

I don't know if Sophie Giraffe is on there, but if not, you need to get her. For teething.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I want

Dear Hannah, 
I'm up at this obscene hour because, I"M PREGNANT and can't sleep. So, naturally, I thought I should blog until I get tired, which, as I know you know, is not the correct strategy for this situation, but is all that seems to make sense right now. First of all, we're going to set up the nursery this week. It is a daunting task and making this whole baby thing feel really real, probably because it is. Of course, I've been pouring over pinterest for ideas for baby boy's little orange room. Here are the highlights: 
Abacus over bed is from CB2, photo from
More to come this week - it's spring break!