Thursday, December 30, 2010

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Fifth Day of Christmas

Dear Ellen,
It is kind of therapeutic taking pictures of all the decorations before
they have to come down!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Another Possibility...

Dear Ellen, this picture gets no further explanation. You little place looks so happy to have you in it!! Thank you for the recipes, too. I should share my recipe for Swedish Kringlor with you. Butter is the main ingredient, if you can remember that, you should be good....

The Fourth Day of Christmas

Merry Christmas, Y'all! Part One

Dear Hannah,
Here's a peek at our Nashville white Christmas...

Christmas Eve

On Christmas Eve, the fam came over for Christmas cookies. Here are the recipes:

Chocolate Crackles

Sugar Cookies

Rosemary Butter Cookies

More to come...


Monday, December 27, 2010