Gush gush gush!!! Love love love! The plate! I love squares, and white, and natural. So so rad. The spoons, well, see what you saved me from? A little 'before' and 'after.' Did you remember I needed a nice set or did you just get it because you new I'd love it? Because I do! And the EARRINGS, WELL, thank you so much for remembering!! I am still so smitten with them. And please tell me to whom I should send a thank you for these previously discontinued (right?) earrings. Did she get the parts to make them again or was this a special op?
Thanks so much, Ellen!!
So, so, so glad you like. The earrings were made especially for you. The plate is from one of my favorite North Carolina potters, Pinkul Pottery, and the spoons, well, I just knew you'd love them.