Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Oh, dear

Dear Ellen,
I am sick. I feel like I have the flu. Or it is that food poisoning rearing its head again...5 days later? Did I eat the same bad thing again? Okay, Ellen-oise, what am I supposed to eat? We have fluids and jello and soda crackers for an army. I know I can't have much more than that, but like...rice? Toast?


  1. I hope you are felling better. Keep on hand Campbells' Chicken Noodle Soup, the original, not the low sodium for when you are sick. Plain hot tea and plain toast,too. Sam is getting so big! Love you, Mary Jane

  2. Awww, thanks Miss Mary Jane! I am doing MUCH better now. Sam said a big OH MAN! The other day and it made me think of you!! xoxo
