I'll have pictures of the bump after this weekend, don't worry. But here is a funny flower story. So, last weekend, I helped out with the middle school musical. My job was to make sure the kids put their props back in the correct place and cue two techies when to push on sets. It was a tough job, but someone had to do it. My sweet mother came to the production with a big bouquet of flowers. One of the students in the audience asked my mother, "who are the flowers for?" She responded, "My little girl." "Oh, what part did she play?" "Well... I guess she's not that little." Then she had to awkwardly explain that I wasn't IN the play, I was a teacher helping out with the play. I got the biggest bouquet of all the kids and I was thrilled! I love my mommy.
Here are some pretty pink roses for you - wish I could hand deliver them!

Here are pretty flowers made BY you -

It feels good to be back!
Love you,