Dear Ellen,
Do you use spray PAM olive oil? If you say no, that's one thing, but if you say it's not good enough for you, I will remind you that I once saw you eat Bagel Bites.
In other news, check out this article from Slate. I don't remember if I shared with you my semi-joking unease with 'very useful engine' being the highest compliment paid on the Island of Sodor. "What about those handicapped trains," I wondered aloud to Ben. This article spells it all out in painful and humorous detail.
How you been, girl?
I love your coffee table vignette, by the way. My response is, I realize, one million years too late. The vignette on the mantle seemed, while touchingly a Hannah shrine...a bit too many themes? Keep the cup for 'cougar coffee' in the kitchen. Color-wise, I thought the painting tied in nicely with the four hot pink dots while contrasting nicely: garish detail v. playful asceticism. Bam, you can take that to the bank! I just made that phrase up!
Love you!!